The Channels column (e.g. EBAY1) in My Inventory will display various data.
The most common format is: 10 (5 templates)
- The first number represents the number of active listings which have been mapped to this SKU on this channel.
- The brackets, in this case (5 templates), will only be present if the stock item has been listed through Linnworks. The number shows the number of listing templates that are associated with that SKU.
To view these templates Right-click on the Template > Edit EBAY listing(s):
One common reason for this being a large number is for CBT listings through eBay, where the same product is listed in multiple languages and with each listing being independent from each other through country-specific configurators.
If there are no brackets - linking was done in the mapping screen:
Shows that there is linking between listing and Linnworks SKU, but you cannot make any changes to it as you can do them only through templates.
If you follow the same steps:
Right-click on the Template > Edit EBAY listing(s) - it will show a template where it will be not possible to edit anything but the price:
Right-click on the Template > Edit Amazon listing(s) - it will show a template where it will be not possible to edit anything but price and basic attributes:
In this case, a template can be added with Extract Inventory tool (if required).
Cells in the Channels column may also have a background color:
There are errors with one or more templates |
One or more templates are currently updating |
In order to view the errors occurring with a template: Right-click the cell > Edit Channel listing(s).
Articles that might be useful:
Take control of eBay listings and update their prices, titles, images, descriptions
Listing tool - listing template