Custom identifiers for open orders can be used in the Rules Engine module as a condition which will check the current identifier on an order, as well as an action to assign this identifier to an order. This article will show several examples of how you can make use of order identifiers in Linnworks and make specific orders stand out.

Please note! Custom order identifiers created here can be only used in the new Open Orders screen.

Example 1. Reward your Customers.

Various studies have shown that customers who feel appreciated are far more likely to talk positively about the company and spend more on a purchase. You can reward your loyal customers with small gifts or a simple 'thank you note' if they order from you often or if they ordered a high volume of your items.

  1. Create an identifier that will be assigned to the orders for which you want to reward customers.
  2. Create a rule and specify, for example, email addresses of buyers that you would like to reward or orders for a certain total (or both):

When the order is downloaded, the rule will assign an Identifier and it will be easy for your staff to see if a gift needs to be added to it. You can filter these orders out or create a separate view. 

Alternatively, another rule can be created for assigning such orders to separate folder.

Example 2. Fraud Potential.

The same technique as in example 1 can work with fraud potential customers. If you have a list of people who claimed that the parcel was not delivered, you can do the following:

  1. Create an identifier for fraud potential orders.
  2. Create a rule that will assign an identifier for fraud potential orders.
  3. Create a rule that will assign a tracked postal service to such orders.

Check our guides for Rules Engine and Custom Order Identifiers for a detailed explanation.

You can get a list of customers with some of our Query Reports and use this information when creating rules. For example:

Example 3. Target your Customers.

Targeting your market helps you understand who your main buyers are and what they need. This can help prioritize your resources and make better business decisions in future. You can use Linnworks to help you with this. 

For example, separating your audience in groups will show you how big the demand for certain products is or which marketing material will be most useful for a certain group. 

Use identifiers to group your buyers in segment groups that are automatically assigned using the rules engine. When processing an order, this will help you include marketing material interesting for this certain segment of your audience. 

For example, if someone bought kids' shoes from you, then you may add a message about future sales of toys. For a customer who made a more expensive order, you can attach a voucher for a discount for the next purchase.

Please Note! This article is in no case a direct instruction for use but just an example of how you can use Linnworks.