It is only possible to re-download orders which are still in Unshipped status on the channel. The order needs to be deleted from Linnworks first for the system to be able to download it again. Please see below for exceptional cases.

The process of re-downloading orders can differ for various channels. Please see all the below options to check which steps are applicable to your case.

a) For channels with the setting to change the Order sync date in Settings > Channel Integration > Edit channel details > Order:

  1. Delete the orders you want to redownload (do not cancel) - select order > right-click or Actions > Other Actions > Delete Order.
  2. Go to Settings > Channel Integration > Edit channel details > Order > Order sync date.
  3. Set the Order Sync Date back to before the orders you wish to redownload were placed on the channel.
  4. Save and close the Edit channel details screen.
  5. Wait for the next order sync to run - it can take up to 30 minutes depending on the timing of when the last sync had run and the number of orders that had been placed on your channel from the date you have set it back to. Linnworks to check all orders from given date again and attempt to download deleted the order.

NB! If the volume of orders you receive from the channel is high (800-1000 or more per day) it is not recommended to set the sync date back more than a couple of days. Please contact our Technical Support for advice if you are not sure about how to proceed. 

b) For channels where the Order sync date setting is not available:

  1. Delete the orders you want to redownload (do not cancel) - select order > right-click or Actions > Other Actions > Delete Order.
  2. The orders will be automatically re-downloaded with the next order sync if they are still in an Unshipped status on the channel directly. 

For Amazon, Linnworks periodically runs a Missing Order check set to compare the downloaded orders to the information from the channel about any orders in the Unshipped status and recreate any missing from Linnworks compared to Amazon.

c) For eBay:

For eBay, there is an additional transaction that may need to be deleted from your database before the system can download the order again. If you have deleted the order and it has not been re-downloaded after the Order Sync Date has been set back (by following the steps given in option a), please contact the Technical Support team for assistance.