Linnworks allows you to set up different prices, titles, and descriptions for the same SKU on different channels and subsources.
Linnworks stores purchase and retail price in the General Tab of the inventory together with some basic information about the stock item. However, this retail price field is for your reference mostly, and there is another field in the system which controls the actual price which is sent to the channel - the Listing Descriptions tab. You can add and update prices which are specific to a sales channel, and these price changes can be sent to the channel immediately if required. *Note that it only works for prices - there is no option to automatically update titles and descriptions on the channel.
The Price Change feature is designed to automate the process of updating prices on the sales channel, right after the listing price has been updated and saved in the Linnworks stock item.
Price change needs to be enabled in Settings > Channel Integration > Channel Config. This feature is available for most channels in the system.
Price by Channel then needs to be added in Inventory > Product Details > Listing Descriptions for each subsource individually, which allows you to have different values for different channels and subsources.
1. Subsource needs to be specified exactly same way as you see it in Settings > Channel Integration
2. For eBay, you can use one subsource for selling on different marketplaces (,,,, and so on) - and prices for the same SKU can be different for different countries/marketplaces. For this reason, automatic eBay price updates only work where the country-specific code has been added as part of the subsource in the Listing Price, e.g. EBAY0_UK or EBAY0_FR. Because of this, EBAY0 without the country suffix will not work. Here is a full list of these country suffixes which can be used in Linnworks:
Canada: CA
CanadaFrench: CAFR
Australia: AU
France: FR
Germany: DE
Italy: IT
Spain: ES
Netherlands: NL
Belgium_French: BEFR
Belgium_Dutch: BENL
Austria: AT
Switzerland: CH
Ireland: IR
Sweden: SE
Poland: PL
Taiwan: TW
Singapore: SG
India: IN
China: CN
HongKong: HK
Malaysia: MY
Philippines: PH
NB! eBay Motors listings use a separate suffix: eBayMotors
It is also possible to add Default Price by Channel - in this case, source and subsource fields are disabled.
Default Price by channel will only be used when you create a listing template and when there is no channel-specific price for this subsource.
Please note! Default price cannot be deleted in bulk, it can only be changed in bulk via import. However, in order to use a channel-specific price instead, you simply need to add the channel-specific price, and it will have priority over Default. The default will only be used if there is no record for that specific subsource/country.
The price change functionality will send prices to the channel when prices are added or changed in Listing Descriptions. Please allow up to 15 minutes for the jobs to be processed by the system. These prices in Listing Descriptions can be changed either manually or via an import - the result will be the same.
In order to set up a price import, you need to do the following:
- go to Settings > Import and Export data > Import Data > Import Now
- give your new import a name and select the Type as Inventory
- click Next > select your CSV file
- in Column Mapping then map the column from the CSV file to Price by Channel
- three new fields will appear next to this line: source, subsource, subsource suffix (for eBay marketplaces per country, see above). The file needs only two columns: SKU (the main unique identifier for the system to find the item) and Price.
This is how it will look in the Column Mapping tab - you need to select the source and subsource, and add a subsource suffix if you are importing prices for eBay:
Please note! Linnworks will send the price only if there was a change. It will not try to send the price again and again if it remains the same as it was in the system before the import. To trigger the price update for your items which already had the same price in the system (but a different price on the channel for some reason), you can import a price which would be +/- 0.01 of the real price for your items, and then import correct price again. Linnworks will see that the price is now different, and will trigger the automatic price update.
Prices in listing templates in
The priority for prices getting picked up for templates from Listing Descriptions – Price by Channel is the following, with 1 being the highest priority:
- EBAY0_UK - if there is a price for a specific subsource with the country suffix (for eBay only), then this price will always have priority for this subsource and marketplace ( in our example).
- EBAY0 - if there is a price for a specific subsource, then this price will be used for that subsource.
- Default - if there is only a Default price added in the Listing Description tab, then this default price will be used for channels for all channels which do not have price lines specified in points 1 and 2 above.
- Retail price from the General info tab in Edit item - if there is no Default price or subsource price in Listing Descriptions, then the price from the General tab will be used. So instead of changing it on the General tab - it is recommended to make changes to the price by subsource in the Listing Descriptions tab, or update it via a price import.
Titles by Channel can be added in a similar way in the same screen or in bulk via an Inventory Import:
* In terms of priority, the same logic applies for Title by Channel, as does for price. In order to use Title by Channel, the item needs to have listing template in the system.
Descriptions by Channel can be added in a similar way in the same screen or in bulk via an Inventory Import:
* In terms of priority, the same logic applies for Descriptions by Channel, as does for price. In order to use Descriptions by Channel, the item needs to have listing template in the system.
For more information on updating listing templates with new prices, titles, descriptions, and attributes from the configurator, please refer to this documentation article.