
Occasionally orders have been downloaded with the incorrect seller PayPal email address due to intercepted and modified payment methods


In an effort to identify orders where the seller PayPal email address has possibly been intercepted/tampered with, we have added a feature to the eBay order download which includes the following:

  • A field in the eBay Channel Settings on Linnworks where a list of seller PayPal email addresses can be defined (Settings - Channel Integration - Edit channel details - PayPal email addresses) 
  • Automated checks on eBay order download to check against the above addresses and park/add notes if any order contains an unknown PayPal email address 
  • Notifications via email once per day to inform the Linnworks account holder this has occurred

Note that your approved PayPal email addresses do need to be added manually (comma-separated) to the Channel Settings in order for these checks to run e.g.: [email protected], [email protected]