
I have tried printing a DPD shipping label/adding a DPD shipping integration and am seeing an error returned:

(401) Unauthorized 


This error is being returned, because incorrect credentials are entered in > Shipping > Integrations > DPD Config. DPD credentials need to match with MyDPD credentials that you use to log in to DPD portal. 

DPD UK portal:

DPD Local portal:

If the password was updated in the config but the error remains, please contact Linnworks support to revoke the daily access token.

Please note that only the old DPD system allows users to access the API, so if the account gets moved over to the new DPD system, the connection between Linnworks and DPD will be broken. If the DPD account has been migrated to the new system and the above error started getting returned, please contact Linnworks support to request the roll back to the old DPD system.