Different couriers treat Guernsey/Jersey orders differently and expect the Country on the order to be set differently. 

Most couriers expect the Country for Jersey, Guernsey to be set as the United Kingdom for the Courier Integration to recognize it and for there not to be any errors during label printing. However, some couriers will accept the country names as Jersey and Guernsey specific to those ISO codes.  

If you are receiving any errors during label printing, ensure that the Country on the order is set accordingly. 

We advise contacting your Courier directly if you are unsure whether they usually expect the orders to be set with country UK or separately marked as Jersey/Guernsey.

For Royal Mail:

Royal Mail also expects the Country for shipments to Guernsey to be the United Kingdom. However, due to the nature of the Royal Mail OBA and Tracked integrations, orders where the Country is specifically marked as Guernsey (ISO code GG) will also be accepted by Royal Mail since Linnworks will then send the ISO code as GB as expected by RM.

As of 1st of January 2023 there have been some changes applied to how Jersey shipments are treated with Royal Mail and full details can be reviewed in this documentation paragraph. Jersey shipments are now submitted to Royal Mail with JE country ISO code automatically by the system without any need to amend the order details manually.

Identifying Jersey/Guernsey orders:

For channel orders, Linnworks will look at the Country/Country Code provided by the channel and compare it to the list of countries stored in Linnworks. If there is a match, it will display the respective Country. If not - it will display the Country as UNKNOWN.

Since some channels allow setting Jersey and Guernsey as separate countries, you might encounter cases where these orders display the Country as UNKNOWN in Linnworks.

To ensure that your downloaded orders show them as the buyer has set them, i.e., Jersey or Guernsey, you will need to add them to your Countries list for the system to use them.

Jersey is already added to the list for newer LW accounts and should be picked up with any orders if it has not been altered/deleted by any users. To check the list and to add any new entries:

1. Go to Settings > Countries.

2. Click on + New Country on the upper right of the screen to open the Add New Country popup and enter the needed details: