Quite often you will be re-ordering from supplier by boxes/packs instead of individual units. It is useful to specify the number of units in a box and when adding an item to a Purchase Order the system automatically recalculates quantity and ensures you place a PO for a correct number of packs/boxes. 


  1. Add a supplier to an item and specify Pack Size and Minimum Quantity you can place a PO for
    1. Go to My Inventory
    2. Find an item
    3. Edit
    4. Click on Suppliers
    5. Add a suppler and enter Pack Size and Min Order Quantity
    6. Make sure there is at least one record marked as Default
    7. Save
  2. Create new PO
  3. Select the supplier you have added to the list of supplier 
  4. Add item you have just added a supplier record for
  5. You will see Pack Size and Pack Quantity columns
  6. When you change quantity, Pack Quantity is recalculated based on the Pack Size and Quantity
  7. When you change Pack Quantity, Quantity is recalculated based on the Pack Size and Quantity