Please note this is a channel-specific article only applicable to eBay.

Fixed price listings can only be or Good 'Til Cancelled (GTC) listings which renew automatically every 30 days unless the item is sold out. Shorter terms are only reserved for auction format listings.

  • GTC is created for a duration of 30 days and at the end of the 30 day period, your listing will automatically get renewed and list again. This continues to happen after every 30 day period until the seller cancels the listing.  
  • If a listing remains out of stock longer than 90 days, eBay will not allow relisting it.
  • Because a listing is relisted automatically, it does not lose its sales history. This helps the listing to appear higher on the results pages.

Listings can be ended if:

  • Stock levels became 0 
  • Listing is closed manually on the channel


If your listing has ended and you would like to relist your item, it is possible to do so on eBay directly as described here

Alternatively, Linnworks can do this for you automatically if you have enabled the Relist option in Settings > Channel Integration > Edit channel details > Inventory Sync > Relist listings.

This enables you to relist ended listings if you still have stock for it or new stock is added. Everything with stock > 0 will be relisted.

Canceling pending relist

If you are using the Relist setting in Linnworks, but come across any pending listings that you want to stop from being relisted, you can use the Cancel Pending Relist feature


For GTC listings there is one more option available - Out-of-Stock. When enabled, if the available quantity is 0, listings go out-of-stock instead of being ended. The main advantage of this option is that the sales history is retained while the item is out-of-stock.

To use this option, first, make sure you have it enabled on eBay directly.

Then proceed to enable it in Linnworks in Settings > Channel Integration > Edit channel details > Inventory Sync > Out-of-stock enabled.

If an item is always in stock, it is best to set the listing duration to GTC and use Out-of-Stock to avoid loss of sales history due to relisting.

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