
NB! The old API for DHL Parcel UK has stopped working on the 31st of January 2024, please get in touch with your Sales or Account Rep at DHL to obtain your new credentials for the (New) DHL Parcel UK integration.

In order to avoid re-configuring the Linnworks account for the (New) DHL Parcel UK service, it is advised to use the existing service from the old 'DHL Parcel UK' integration and re-add it to the new integration.

If however a new service is created instead of re-linking the existing one, ensure that you will review all required settings on the account, such as Rules engine set up, Email automation, Invoice/Template printing conditions etc to take into account the new service details.


I need to migrate my existing 'DHL Parcel UK' services to the '(New) DHL Parcel UK' integration


1. Ensure that the '(New) DHL Parcel UK' integration has been integrated to your Linnworks account:!documentation/dhl-parcel-uk-integration

All account IDs that will be used in the new integration would need to be listed in the integration config (under Account IDs), separated by a comma.

2. Remove the old 'DHL Parcel UK' services from the integration ensuring that required service configuration has been checked via Shipping > Integrations > DHL Parcel UK > Services > Edit. Click the bin icon to remove the service and once done click Finish.

3. Open the services tab for the '(New) DHL Parcel UK' integration and add all required services from the dropdown list of available services. 

4. Click the linking icon next to the Edit button and select the existing postal service from the supplied list. This list will only show Linnworks Postal services that are currently not linked with any shipping integration.

5. Ensure that you click the Edit button for each service, as you need to select the required Account ID from the dropdown. If the Account ID is missing in this dropdown, please open the integration config and add it to the Account IDs field. 

Additionally configure any other fields that were set up on the original service, such as Extended Liability, Label References or Pick List option.

NB! For all international services, such as DHL Parcel Connect, International Road Economy, DHL Parcel International or Worldwide Air, please configure the Duties Paid Type and Export Reason

6. When all of the services have been linked and service settings have been applied, click the Finish button to save the changes.

You may view this video that shows the above steps being performed:

Additional information

Service names in the (New) DHL Parcel UK integration 

Submitting customs information to DHL Parcel UK 

Possible errors and a way to troubleshoot them

(New) DHL Parcel UK: dutiesPaid is invalid : dutiesPaid must be DDP for this product

(New) DHL Parcel UK: The chosen service code is not available between the origin and destination

(New) DHL Parcel UK: dimensions are invalid

(New) DHL Parcel UK: iossShipment is invalid

(New) DHL Parcel UK: No available products available for requested origin, destination and shipment size

(New) DHL Parcel UK: The API consumer key/client_id is not authorised to get customerAccount