What has changed

(New) Amazon Shipping has now introduced a new option in the integration config that allows you to link the Amazon channel integration to your shipping integration. This linking will ensure that there is a better and smoother internal process of handling both the order rate requests (Quotes) and the label printing ones.


Important notes

  • The linking will only be required to be done once for each (New) Amazon Shipping integration and is now a mandatory step when adding new Amazon Shipping integrations to the account.
  • One (New) Amazon Shipping integration can only be linked to one Amazon channel integration
  • If the linking has already been done, you will see a greyed out 'Merchant Name' field under the Selling Partner ID one. Please ignore the following guide if this field already appears for your integration.

What steps are required

1) If you have not linked your (New) Amazon Shipping integration to the Amazon channel, please proceed to Shipping > Integrations > (New) Amazon Shipping > Config > Account and select the name of the Amazon channel that the integration should be associated with from the available values in the dropdown menu.

2) Click 'Next' to save changes

No further actions will be required after completing the steps.

If any issues or questions will arise with the set up, please contact Linnworks Technical Support.