
I would like to show a specific Seller Name for my orders shipped via (New) Amazon Shipping integration on the Amazon Shipping tracking page.


Seller Display Name can be assigned manually to a specific order, or automatically to orders meeting specific criteria. Below you will find the steps required for both approaches.

1) Adding a Seller Name manually to an order

Edit the order by right-clicking on it and selecting Action > Edit Order (in Old Open Order screen) or double-clicking on the order > Edit (in New Open Order screen). Open the Extended Properties tab/dropdown and add a new Extended Property. 

Type: Select or add 'Attribute', Name 'SellerDisplayName', Value 'The Seller Name you wish to display'

New Open Order screen:

Old Open Order screen:

Once you save the changes, print the shipping label via (New) Amazon Shipping integration and the Seller Name will be sent with the label request. Amazon Shipping tracking will then display the value for the buyer:

2) Automatically assigning Seller Name(s) to orders via Rules Engine

Proceed to Orders > Rules Engine > +Add new rule

Create a condition, based on which you will be assigning the specific Seller Name. This can be the order Source, SubSource, order folder, Channel SKU etc.

Then assign an action as shown below with the relevant Seller Name in the Value field.

Create additional conditions and actions based on the chosen criteria, if you have more than 1 different Seller Name that you need to assign.

When the shipping label will be produced for the order, where the rule was executed, the Seller Name will be passed to Amazon with the label request.

Additional information

Adding rules to Rules engine