Dashboards menu includes a feature called Query Data. This contains a collection of pre-made queries producing reports based on the data in your account for various different areas of your business.

Full details on Query Data tool and how to use it are available here.

In general, all the available reports can be divided into five categories:

  • Financial - reports related to financial information recorded by Linnworks
  • Inventory - reports related to Linnworks Inventory
  • Listings - reports related to mapped Listings mapped within Linnworks
  • Orders - reports related to Orders downloaded to Linnworks
  • Purchasing - reports related to purchasing new stock in Linnworks

Each abovementioned link provides the full list of available reports in the respective category. Each report documentation page gives you a full list of the Selection Criteria, filtering options and reported values.

Query Data reports can be displayed on-screen and/or downloaded ad CSV files from the same screen.