There are situations when it is required to delete a lot of information from the system. Linnworks has a number of delete imports to make the process quick and simple.

Delete Import Types:


Delete Stock Item - deletes SKUs/items from the Linnworks database. These records will be marked as deleted and no longer available in the Inventory. They will still be reflected in historical reports covering the period prior to deletion.

Delete Variation Items - deletes variation parent items from the Linnworks database. These parent items will be marked as deleted and no longer available in Linnworks, apart from historical reports.

Delete Composite Child Items - deletes child SKUs from composite items.

Inventory contents

Delete Extended Properties - deletes extended properties from specified SKUs/items from the Linnworks database.
Delete Images - deletes images on specified SKUs. All images linked to the SKU will be removed from Linnworks.


Delete Stock Item Linking - deletes the link between a Linnworks stock item and a listing on a specified selling channel. This will prevent inventory updates from occurring for the linked listing, so it may impact your available stock levels on the channels and lead to overselling.

By Channel
Delete Title by Channel -  deletes titles on specified SKUs for a specific selling channel (Source/Subsource).

Delete Price by Channel - deletes prices on specified SKUs for a specific selling channel (Source/Subsource).

Delete Description by Channel - deletes descriptions on specified SKU's for a specific selling channel (Source/SubSource).