
When setting up imports or exports, the file explorer window may show no files in the file path for FTP/SFTP.

Potential causes

There are several possible reasons for this issue:

  • The FTP server uses Virtual Directories: Unfortunately, Linnworks does not support FTP/SFTP servers that use virtual directories
  • The supplied username does not have sufficient permissions: Please ensure that your user account has at least read/write permissions for the FTP home folder on the server
  • There is an error with listing directories on the FTP server: Please contact support for help with this error if the user permissions are correct. To test this, please see the paragraph below

A test to see whether permissions for the user are set correctly can be performed by changing the options for After each download

This is because Linnworks will write a test file to the server to test the requested action. If the supplied credentials do not have sufficient permissions to do this, an error will be displayed.

If you have any further issues with the FTP file explorer, please contact our support team through the ticket system so that we can investigate this further.