Filing Royal Mail manifests is a crucial step for smooth shipping operations. Filing your Royal Mail manifest daily (except on weekends* and Bank holidays) ensures accurate tracking and delivery of your parcels. 

*Royal Mail may collect parcels during the weekend, so if you booked a pick-up for the weekend - you need to file Manifest on the weekend as well.

Here is a simple guide to follow and ensure you get it right:

  • Where to file Manifest

    After you print Royal Mail labels, go to Shipping> Shipping Manifests > File > File. The Manifest is filed and submitted to the Royal Mail side.

    If you need to file several Royal Mail Manifests on the same day - it is acceptable by Royal Mail and will not cause any issues with billing or shipping parcels. You need to file another Manifest, print paperwork for all Manifests filed during the day, and provide papers to the driver.

    Keep in mind: This needs to be done daily, excluding weekends* and Bank holidays.

  • Defer and Auto Defer options

    If you have printed Orders awaiting stock or need shipping the next day, there is an option to not include such Orders in the current Manifest.

    You can use the Defer button under Shipping > Shipping Manifest > View > View the Service in question. When you find the Order, click Defer and this will exclude the Order from the current Manifest. The button will also change from Defer to Include. Once you are ready to ship the Order, click on the Include button and the Order will be added to today's Manifest.

    If you click the Auto Defer and Manifest option then it will check if the Order from the Manifest is in the Open Orders or Processed Orders screen, and Manifest only those Orders that have been processed (moved to the Processed Orders screen). Orders that are still in the Open Orders screen will be deferred and will appear in the next day's Manifest as unfiled consignments, so you will have the option to process them, Manifest, or defer them.

    Keep in mind: You can defer an unlimited number of consignments, but you cannot defer each Order more than 6 times, or longer than 7 days in a row.

  • Canceling Labels

    You can cancel labels before filing the Manifest, however, Royal Mail allows canceling a limited amount of labels per day from the Manifest. It is reasonable to use the Defer option. However, if it is necessary to cancel the label (for example, the wrong Shipping Service was used) then make sure to cancel before filing the Manifest.

    If you canceled the label by accident and the driver already collected the parcels - urgently get in touch with our Linnworks Technical Support. We will be able to restore the labels, and you will need to file the Manifest for re-appeared Orders.

    Keep in mind: If you canceled the label - DO NOT use it for the Order. You will get penalised for using a canceled label.

  • Forgetting to Manifest

    If you physically ship an Order but forget to Manifest, this will get detected by Royal Mail and you will be penalised. Always ensure you Manifest every parcel to prevent this.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Linnworks Technical Support!

Additional information

Shipping - Royal Mail: You haven't submitted Royal Mail OBA manifest in the last 24 hours

Shipping - Royal Mail: Avoiding label cancellation