Pickwave in Linnworks is a digital picklist that is generated to include a list of items and sent directly to a user's mobile scanner. You can generate digital pickwaves to help pick stock for a warehouse transfer.

How to generate a pickwave for a Warehouse Transfer?

  1. Make sure that the transfer you want to pick for started as a request from another location. You can’t start a pick if you’ve created the transfer yourself.
  2. Make sure you’ve specified how many of the requested items you’ll be sending (and picking) by filling out the Qty Sent column.
  3. Click the Generate Pickwave button.
  4. If you’re picking a lot of stock, you might want Linnworks to generate more than one pickwave. In the Pickwave options, you can choose if you want your pickwave to be:
    • Limited by the total number of items to be picked.
    • Limited by the total number of SKUs to be included in the pick.
    • Unlimited, just one big pickwave.
  5. Either choose a specific user to allocate the pick(s) to or leave them unallocated.
  6. If you've split your items into multiple picks, you can preview them and click Generate Pickwaves.

Once you’ve generated all the pickwaves you need, you can find them on Linnworks Mobile by tapping the Pickwaves option in the Stock section of the menu. Check more details here.