The cyclic stock count allows us to perform periodic stock counting without interrupting the flow of inventory through the warehouse. However it only really works well if we can lock stock from being moved or reserved while you are counting, which is a particular feature of WMS. 

Nevertheless, in a small setting, it is possible to physically ensure there will be no conflicts - for example ensure that while we are counting, we are not picking or processing orders in the entire warehouse. Anyhow, if you have a biggish warehouse, get yourself WMS, it's worth the while, alternatively - utilize good old shouting and bits of paper. Stock Count can operate in non-WMS setting just as well, placing the onus of ensuring stock reservation conflicts on you, rather than relying on the system. 

  • Go to Stock Count
  • Two tabs will be visible:
    • Count  - everything to count in the current search/scan criteria
    • Counted - everything you have counted in the current session. Think of it as a localized audit trail (memory)
  • Scan a SKU, barcode or a product identifier. If we found an item, we can enter the quantity, or tally, or scan barcodes. To count. 
  • It is possible to enter a binrack and find all SKUs assigned to a binrack by name. Obviously because this is not WMS setting, we can't have multiple binracks for an item (if it's not a batch items) and in the stock count we can't really change the binrack of an item while we are counting it. 
  • Once counted, the count will be added to Counted. 
  • Only once you pressed SUBMIT ALL COUNT the stock levels will be adjusted. And the audit will be added to Stock Count ledger. 

See Also:

Stock Count - basics (with WMS)

Stock Count - In Transit Lock

Stock Count - In Pickwave - conflict resolution

Stock Count - Batched items

Stock Count - Submit Count immediately setting

Stock Count - Display Expected Quantity

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