NB! If you have a FedEx account in one of the below regions/countries, you do not need to follow the below steps:

EMEA (European accounts)
United Kingdom
United States

In order  to add a non-US/non-CA/non-EMEA FedEx account to Linnworks, you first need to send sample labels for verification to FedEx. Sample labels can be printed from Linnworks using test account credentials.

To obtain the test credentials:

  1. Log in to https://www.fedex.com/en-us/developer.html > click FedEx Web Services > Develop and Test.
  2. Click "Get your test key".
  3. Complete the application form. 

After completing the form you will be given some test account information:

  • Test API Access Key
  • Test Password
  • Test Meter Number
  • Test Account Number

FedEx will email you the Test Password separately along with all the instructions where to send test labels. This email will also contain WIS Cover Sheet that you need to fill. 

Once you have test account credentials you can add test integration in Linnworks by following the integration steps here.

NB! The test integration can be added only if the Account Name entered at the first step is *TEST* (including *).

After completing the integration you can add the services that you want to use. FedEx requires a copy of a label for each service that you are planning to use. Please generate labels in PDF format and send to FedEx along with filled WIS Cover Sheet to the following email addresses:

Express labels: [email protected]

Ground labels: [email protected]

Smart Post labels: [email protected] ; [email protected]

After FedEx team confirms the labels they will provide you with production details to use for a fully functional FedEx integration.

NB! Obtained Production Details need to be used to add a completely new FedEx integration. You cannot edit the existing *TEST* integration. Integration steps are provided here.