Both Amazon and eBay marketplace has a worldwide presence and Linnworks allows to create listings for eBay and Amazon in different countries, however, the process for it differs due to the channels specific aspects. This article will cover the main differences in the process.


eBay allows to integrate your account only once under one integration but the country site should be specified in the Configurator > Main Settings. This field will host your eBay channel Subsource and the Country Site:

To list on different eBay sites, you need to have your international account integrated and create various eBay configs in Linnworks for different sites. Please refer to the following documentation to learn more about how to list on eBay through Linnworks: 


If you have an Amazon Unified Account, you will need to set up a channel integration for each marketplace you use due to the requirements of Amazon API. As a result for the same Amazon account, you will have several integrations for each country eg. Amazon UK, Amazon France, Amazon Germany etc. 

Once all the sites are integrated you will need to create Amazon configurators for each channel and specify Site in Configurator general settings as described here. Please refer to the following documentation to learn more about how to list on Amazon through Linnworks: