An External User Interface is a module that allows you to embed a page into Linnworks. By providing an iframe URL, with placeholders for a token, you can create a custom page that will be displayed relevant to the user that has opened it.

The external user interface requires the following to be added to your manifest:


{modules: [{
  "type": "ExternalUserInterface",
  "moduleName": "MyDashboard",
  "formattedName": "My Dashboard",
      "name": "URL",
      "value": "[{TOKEN}]"


As we can see we are using the type ExternalUserInterface. The moduleName is a unique identifier for your module. It is best to keep your application name in this, along with the screens name eg. "MyAppDashboard", "MyAppSettings".

The formattedName is the name that will appear in the Linnworks user interface.

Parameters can be used in different situations, allowing for extra and additional information for the module. In this case we create a parameter called "URL" with the value above.

The [{TOKEN}] placeholder tells Linnworks that we want to receive the current users token in this order (We can then pass this token, along with the applicationid and applicationsecret to the AuthorizeByApplication method).

Using the above and modifying it to point to your website will allow you to implement a dashboard that will sit within Linnworks.