Recently eBay announced about new features that they will offer to sellers. You may have seen our highlights about some of them in blog and LinnFocus. To use new features new API token is required.

The eBay token service now provides access tokens via two different grant flows:

  • Client credentials grant flow mints a new Application access token.
  • Authorization code grant flow mints a new User access token.

From eBay article: OAuth access tokens

How will it change the integration process?

For our users that means that they will need to sign in to their account twice during channel integration as they have 2 incompatible tokens to authorize. Exact steps can be found in eBay - Add New Channel Integration documentation.

What about existing integrations?

For already existing eBay integrations we created an easy way to migrate to the new API token. To do so, go to Settings > Channel Integration > Edit Channel > Account

1. Click Migrate to new APIs

2. Confirm to reauthorize your account

3. Reintegration wizard will start, click Step 2 to continue

4. Click on the link to log in to your account

4. Click I Agree to grant the application access

5. Reintegration is done, once you click Finish the Channel Integration dialogue will be closed

6. To double-check that all went fine, open Edit Channel again, only two buttons will remain

Test button will test both tokens.

Re/authorization button will trigger to reauthorize your tokens if it will be required.